Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Rebbe as Moshiach - According to Chabad

Based on Torah criteria, the Rebbe may be considered to be Moshiach. It is apparent from our review of the criteria and his accomplishments, and this has been confirmed by the Rebbe. It is apparent because Torah authorities have ruled this matter conclusively (as will be evidenced below). And it is apparent because the Rebbe himself admitted to being Moshiach on numer­ous occasions, albeit indirectly, in keeping with his humility. Indeed, in 1991 and 1992, the Rebbe alluded to himself as Moshiach more times than he has ever, in 40 years, alluded to the fact that he is the Rebbe.

International Rabbinic Rulings On Moshiach

Throughout this century, and especially recently, there has been unprecedented consensus among all types of Rabbinic authorities, Chassidic and non-Chassidic, Ashkenazic and Sephardic, that the long awaited Messianic redemption is finally at hand. Most of these Rabbinic authorities signed legal rulings testifying to this. Why should they bother? Does rabbinic acceptance make a differ­ence? According to Judaism, yes. According to Torah, when a ruling of Torah Law is made, it establishes a true and permanent reality in the world.

The Rebbe said that through the rulings of Torah Law concern­ing the coming of Moshiach, Moshiach has already started to affect the world.5 The Rebbe was always accepted as Moshiach by his followers, but the Rebbe himself was gradual about publicizing his true identity and ultimate significance. In the Rebbe's talks, starting in 5749-1989 he had asked that rabbinic leaders take initiative and rule on the immediacy of the Messianic redemption. When such declarations were reported to the Rebbe, he would give his approval and blessing.6

In 1992, 175 leading rabbis around the world signed a Torah ruling stating that the Rebbe has satisfied the legal requirements to be Moshiach.7

Following his apparent passing in 1994, some questioned whether the Rebbe may have lost his status as the presumed Moshiach. According to Judaism, Moshiach may come from the living or from the dead. Practically speaking, many Jews had trouble accepting that Moshiach can arise from the dead for numerous reasons. .

Following the apparent passing of his predecessor, the Rayyatz, the Rebbe pointed out that the Rayyatz would lead this generation out of exile, even though to assume this role he would have to be first resurrected prior to the redemption (out of sequence with the accepted timing of the popular resurrection which will occur 40 years after the rebuilding of the 3rd temple). He brought proofs from Talmud and other Torah sources, of course, but the fact that he made the ruling brought the possibility from the realm of remote theory to immediate practicality.

Next have been decisions by the late Rabbi Aharon Soloveitchik, the Rabbinic head of the Orthodox Union,8 and the late Rabbi Pinchas Hirschprung, Chief Rabbi of Canada.9 Both wrote that having faith in the Rebbe as Moshiach after his apparent passing is perfectly acceptable, according to Jewish Law.

Finally we have a more recent ruling by over 100 leading rabbis from around the world who issued a joint ruling that deals with the Rebbe's status as prophet, and as Moshiach, as well as the Torah obligation of each person to follow his directives. The translation of their ruling follows below:

Tishrei 5759 (October, 1998)

The following ruling of Jewish Law is hereby established:

The Lubavitcher Rebbe in his speech of Parshas Shoftim 5751 (August 17, 1991), has established a practical ruling of Jewish Law that there is in this generation of ours, a prophet, and we are required to obey him in accordance with the ruling of Maimonides in Chapter 7 of the Laws of Torah Foundations.

As the Rebbe states: " ... we must publicize to all the people of the generation that we have merited that the Holy One Blessed Be He has chosen and appointed a free-willed indi­vidual, himself incomparably exalted over the people of the generation, who is to be the judge, the advisor and the prophet of the generation, who will give instruction and advice regarding the work of the entire Jewish people ... including the essential prophecy - the prophecy of "imme­diate redemption" and immediately in actuality "behold this Moshiach coming. "

In his speech of Parshas Vayera, 5752 (October 26, 1991), the Rebbe states: " .. .In these days of ours, all obstacles have been nullified, etc., and therefore we have (not only the existence of Moshiach, but) also the revelation of Moshiach, and now we need only to accept the face of our Righteous Moshiach with tangible action. "

In his speech of Parshas Mishpatim, 5752 (February 1, 1992), the Rebbe states: "And thus is the ruling of the rabbis and experts in Jewish Law that the time of the Redemption has arrived, "a king shall arise from the House of David, etc., he is assumed to be Moshiach, " and the Rebbe further added to this ruling that, "it is demonstrated that he is certainly Moshiach, " and in this speech the Rebbe hinted clearly that he is the King Moshiach.

We hereby establish in this Jewish Legal Ruling according to our holy Torah - based on the Law expressed by Maimonides in the Laws of Torah Foundations, 7:1, 9:2, and 10: 1 - that the Rebbe, King Moshiach, has the legal status of a Prophet, and that he has explicitly proclaimed about himself that he is a Prophet, and it is understood from his talks that he himself is- the King Moshiach and he moreover encouraged the singing of "Long live the Rebbe, king Moshiach, forever, " and he has already said before all the Jews and before the entire world, predictions that were fulfilled completely, in the Six-Day War, the War of Attrition, etc., etc.

And therefore we are obliged to obey all that he tells us, as defined by the obligation of obeying the words of a Prophet, and including that he is, indeed, the King Moshiach and he will be revealed to us immediately, tangibly.

Live, our Master, Teacher and Rebbe, King Moshiach forever and ever.

Signatures of over 100 leading Lubavitch Rabbis world­wide, including chief elders, the chief Rabbinate in the community at Lubavitch World HQ in NY, and leading emis­saries on five continents.

In summary, the rabbinic rulings have established as binding Torah Law that (1) The Messianic redemption is at hand. (2) Moshiach may be resurrected. (3) The Rebbe is Moshiach. (4) The Rebbe is a prophet of Biblical stature. (5) The Rebbe admits to being a prophet and to being the King Moshiach. (6) We should follow him and believe his words, including that he is Moshiach and will presently be revealed to us tangibly.

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